Candid Caller
IT WAS back in 1967, when The Beatles' Sergeant Pepper pipped the soundtrack of The Sound of Music as album of the year, that Manchester United last had the football world at its feet. That was the era of Best, Charlton, Law; now we have the era of Giggs, Cantona and Sharpe.
This week the Candid Caller asked Greater Mancunians: what were you doing when you heard that Manchester United had won the Premier League championship?
Alfred Ferguson of Swinton: 'They have Sky TV in our club, so I went along and caught the end of the match for myself. Being a Manchester man, I was pleased for United that they won.'
George Best of Fairfield: 'I went to watch the match in my local, the Pig on the Wall. I remember United winning in 1967; this time around I thought it was more exciting. The pub was very lively after United won - the pig came off the wall]'
Pamela Ince of Marple Bridge: 'You couldn't have picked a better household if you tried. My grandfather was chairman of Manchester City years ago and we have shares in Manchester City. My son, who's 22, is a graduate hoofing it around the world. The first I knew of United's victory was when he phoned and said, 'Mum, I'm going to take Australian citizenship - I'm not bloody well coming home]' '
David Law of Cheetham Hill: 'I was on my way to Newton East Catholic Club for a drink when I found out. Someone told me in the street. I'm not really that into football, although I used to be years ago, but I'm glad United won.'
Edith Charlton of Hyde: 'To be honest, I wasn't interested and neither was my husband.'
Malcolm Race of Giggs and Binns, opticians, Hazel Grove: 'I was aware in general that United had won but it was on the bottom of my priorities, I was too busy taking an interest in the rugby league finals.'
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