New fashion iPhone apps: augmented fashion reality

Wednesday 24 March 2010 01:00 GMT

UK Grazia magazine has released an iPhone app for its augmented reality issue. Plus: laundry for dummies, a virtual modeling agency, new calendar and clock apps from brands including Uniqlo, and the latest in fashion gaming.

Uniqlo Calendar

This app by the Japanese retailer gives you the local date, time, and weather for a list of global regions, displayed beautifully with video clips depicting the Japanese seasons. Comes with an agenda function that can be linked to your Google calendar.


Need help deciphering the laundry instructions on your clothes' care labels? iLaunderette ($0.99) will make sure all comes out in the right size and color. The app also gives you a reminder tool so that you don't forget to take out your clothes in time.


Is this the future of modeling agencies? A newly launched app not only gives you tips on how to get started as a model but also lets you submit your photos, apparently leading to actual bookings around the globe.


The whole world of the UK version of the magazine can be found in this 'Walk-in Talking' app: coinciding with Grazia's first augmented reality issue, readers can experience a concert by Florence and the Machine (they can even spin her around by blowing into the iPhone!), styling tips from the magazine's fashion editors and tutorials from the beauty experts.


Following Marc Jacobs' iPhone clock release, this app takes the fashion clock concept one step further, displaying every digit on the t-shirt of a model. At $1.99, it's the fashion victim's dream clock.

PicHunt Fashionista

A nice way to kill some time on the subway comes from Jirbo: try to find the difference in two catwalk pictures - taken at the international fashion weeks - before the time expires.

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