Carola Long: Good Eighties Hair is a far cry from the bouffedout barnet sported by Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction

Saturday 12 September 2009 00:00 BST

Between now and the 'Sex and the City' sequel's release, we will no doubt be treated to never ending behind-the-scenes shots of the bag- and shoe-toting stars on set. So far so predictable, but last week a more entertaining photo appeared of SJP sporting a perm that would make a poodle look sleek. Reportedly for an Eighties flashback scene, it served as a handy reminder that although the decade that the natural look forgot is back, there is good Eighties and there is bad Eighties. Very bad.

For a paradigm of Good Eighties Hair, look no further than Chloé whose bouncy waves provided the most glamorous, but not too done hair of the season, while the trend was echoed at Chanel, DSquared, Issa and Alessandro Dell Aqua. A far cry from the kind of bouffed-out Eighties barnet sported by Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction', this was a sleek but bouncy style inspired by Christie Brinkley and Brooke Shields, according to Guido Palau, the renowned stylist behind the look, who explained, "we're going for very feminine, flowing Eighties hair".

"The hair at Chloé looked cool and wearable, not too stiff," says Luke Hersheson, of the Daniel Hersheson salon. "It was a modern take on the Fifties influence and looked like you could touch it. That's what makes it sexy."

The retro Veronica Lake look used to be achieved by setting wet hair on giant rollers and baking it under a dryer, but unless you are hoping to finish 'A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu' in one sitting, there is a quicker option. Luke Hersheson recommends the following technique. "Take one inch square sections all over the head and tong them with a large-barrelled tong, such as Daniel Hersheson Waving Tongs, to avoid a horrid prom curl. Ensure the barrel is placed towards the root, on top of the hair, then twist the hair round the barrel for the loose wave. Spray Tecniart Constructor on each section to hold and protect it, tuck the sides behind your ear for half an hour so that they create a bend, and finally, brush through with a large wide tooth comb for one big, smooth wave." Not a poodle perm in sight.

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