Agenda: Topshop; Stacie Stewart; Scott Walker; Borgen; Primavera Sound 2013
Fashion: Faster than a speeding bullet
If, as the end of the month rolls around, you've actually been virtuous enough to maintain the gruelling regime of exercise you promised you would undertake on New Year's Eve, look away now. For the rest of us, enjoy these comic-strip "pow"-print runner shorts from Topshop – fun enough to get even the most jaded of us back up off our bums for February. You're welcome. £12,
Face to watch: Stacie Stewart
The beehived ex-Masterchef contestant – a 2010 finalist – looks set to become one of its most successful graduates after landing a judging gig on Simon Cowell show Food Glorious Food
Lexpionage: Arm-restle, n.
A plane/train-based combat sport in which two participants place one arm each on the dividing surface between them, before jostling to keep it there. The winner is the person who takes control of the 'rest'
Social networking: Match the tweet to the star
Joan Collins, Paul McGann, Arlene Phillips, Lauren Laverne
1. Waving arms at large birds to protect food for small ones. Look quite mad
2. Last advice -- you must eat life or life will eat you
3. Just tried my hand at auctioneering in a room of 300. How do the pros make it look so nimps?
4. My bin-aim is bang on today.
Answers at the bottom of the page
App watch: Yplan
take the disappointment out of trying to be spontaneous with this nifty last-minute events guide, which serves up a shortlist of interesting and un-sold-out options for fun that day or evening should you suddenly fancy a night out – and, once you've logged your bank details, you can book in a couple of taps. Free from iTunes Store
On the radar: Because some things are still worth getting excited about…
Music: Scott Walker does 'Scream And Shout'
Behold the certain-to-be best cover of 2013: the Britney/Will.I.Am banger reconfigured as a funereal lament to the end of music by the estoeric overlord himself (aka Adam Buxton)
DVD: Borgen: Series 2
It has been impossible to escape the appreciative chatter surrounding this Danish political drama in recent weeks: so should you have missed out on the latest series' BBC4 run, get thee to the DVD forthwith. Out tomorrow
Festivals: Primavera Sound 2013
With a line-up including Blur, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, My Bloody Valentine and Solange, this year's edition of the Barcelona indie festival is a truly scorching ticket. 22 to 26 May,
Match the tweet: 1. Arlene Phillips; 2. Paul McGann; 3. Joan Collins; 4. Lauren Laverne.
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