Everything you need to know about indigestion and heartburn
If you're having trouble digesting food, or feeling pain after meals, you may be suffering from indigestion. Here's what you need to know to help ease the symptoms...

Many people are familiar with the discomfort of indigestion, with 40 per cent of UK adults experiencing it, annually. But whether indigestion is a result of stress, eating-on-the-go, pregnancy or triggering foods, there are practical tips and products available to help ease indigestion symptoms.
What are the symptoms of indigestion?
Indigestion is a general term that describes stomach pain or discomfort while the body digests food. It can be caused by the stomach's oversensitivity to acid or by the stomach stretching after a meal. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, happening regularly in some people, but very occasionally in others.
While experiences vary, the most common indigestion symptoms are pain behind the ribs, abdomen pain that moves upwards, nausea, vomiting, bloating, a burning sensation in the stomach, flatulence and burping.
Indigestion is triggered by different things for different people, so it's worth noting any patterns you spot. Common causes of indigestion include alcohol, stress, smoking and eating heavy meals or fatty foods, as well as the physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy.

How do you treat indigestion?
You can try to help combat indigestion by chewing food well, reducing fatty, spicy and greasy foods and fizzy drinks, and eating smaller meals. Yet sometimes indigestion can't be avoided, which is where Rennie comes in.
Fast acting and effective, yet suitable to use in pregnancy, Rennie has a range of antacid tablets for heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux that help neutralise excess stomach acid, turning it into water and other natural substances.
What is heartburn and acid reflux?
Heartburn and indigestion are often talked about interchangeably, but they are actually different conditions. However, for both conditions, stomach acid is often at the source of the problem.
Heartburn is a burning sensation felt in the chest or throat after eating, along with difficulty swallowing and a sour or salty fluid in the back of the throat. It’s usually caused by acid reflux, where stomach acid escapes into the oesophagus, and tends to happen after meals or at night. It’s also common to suffer with heartburn during pregnancy and up to 72% of women experience heartburn in the third trimester.
To help ease symptoms, you could try to avoid lying down within three hours of eating, not exercising within two hours, avoiding tight-waisted clothes, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding stress, or sleeping with your head slightly elevated.
Minimising greasy, acidic and spicy food and drink may also relieve symptoms, and it's worth keeping a diary of what you eat to have a better understanding of what your triggers might be. However, if heartburn or acid reflux do strike, Rennie Liquid Heartburn Relief can help by forming a gel barrier over the contents of your stomach, helping to stop acid from escaping into the food pipe. It can also be taken day or night, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding, to provide relief.
For more information on Rennie products, or for expert indigestion advice, visit rennie.co.uk
Disclaimer: Persistent indigestion sometimes occurs as a result of an ulcer, taking certain medications, or another condition. If you think this might be you, make an appointment with your GP. Medicines can affect the unborn baby. If you are pregnant, always speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication. Heartburn is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD), however, persistent episodes can damage the lining of the oesophagus, so speak to your GP or pharmacist if you’re concerned.
Product disclaimer: Rennie Peppermint heartburn and indigestion tablets. Rennie Liquid Heartburn Relief Oral Suspension. Always read the label.