Do you have what it takes to make the San Miguel Rich List?

A quest for new experiences has led San Miguel to unearth people who are truly life rich, pursuing a different kind of wealth. Now it wants you to make your own mark and find your rich

Friday 01 June 2018 14:17 BST
Sunny Stoeer
Sunny Stoeer (Tyler Roemer)

Art, design and self expression have been key passions for many members of the San Miguel Rich List. When you’re losing yourself in a creative way, nothing else matters, and there are a million different ways to do it. Whether, like the Rich list members below, it’s taking celebrated photos of amazing expeditions, creating paint from toxin waste, or moulding an astonishingly complex cake, passion is the driving force. Does it drive you, or someone else you know? If you’ve got an artistic, inspiring story, get nominating for the 2018 San Miguel Rich List.

Sunny Stroeer, photographer and free spirit

Sunny Stroeer swapped a high-flying career to start living in a van in the mountains. “I’d realised that I was living for the weekends, when I’d be off mountaineering and ultra running,” she says. “Making money wasn’t what made me happy. You’ve only got one life.” She’s since become a celebrated expedition leader, adventurer and photographer, as well as embarking on a mission to get more women involved in adventure sport. “I led an all-female expedition up Mount Aconcagua.” she says. “It was empowering and positive. I want to be a catalyst, to show other women they can have these experiences.”

Dinara Kasko works on one of her masterpieces
Dinara Kasko works on one of her masterpieces (Joan Tomas)

Dinara Kasko, architectural pastry chef

A Ukrainian architect who originally studied the geometry of buildings, Dinara Kasko embarked on an ambitious mid-career switch when she decided to apply her knowledge to baking cakes. “I started out making ordinary cakes, but I thought, why not try to do something special?,” she says. “I began to make different moulds. I used computer modelling programmes to make my visions come to life. I had to learn a whole new process, but it made me very happy.” Her edible art has amazed people ever since. “It makes me happy to make something new every day,” she adds.

Toxin artists Guy Riefler and John Sabraw get creative
Toxin artists Guy Riefler and John Sabraw get creative (Marvin Shaouni)

Guy Riefler and John Sabraw, toxin artists

When Guy Riefler, an engineering Professor at Ohio University, began looking into how to clean up Appalachia’s polluted rivers, the last thing he was thinking about was art. “We’ve got sulphuric acid that kills aquatic species, but when removing the pollution, we realised that the pigments could be used as an acrylic paint,” he says. A collaboration with John Sabraw, from the university’s art department, soon followed. Their work, produced by pouring out the toxins, have been widely exhibited. “My goal was to do environmental work, but doing it like this is so satisfying,” says Guy. “Art and science should get together more.”

The search has started for The San Miguel Rich List 2018. San Miguel is looking for a new group of inspirational people who lead rich, rewarding lives. If you, or someone you know, shares a thirst for discovery, creativity or new experiences, nominate them, or yourself, here

Terms & Conditions: UK residents, 18+ to nominate, 25+ to feature. 1-4 Rich List places available. Promotion closes 23:59 10 June 2018. To see full T&Cs visit

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