Ultimate Christmas gift guide: Part one
In the first of a two-part special, Eliisa Makin picks the perfect presents for foodies, pet lovers, children, sports fans... and those unexpected guests...
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Accessorize: accessorize.com
Adidas: adidas.com, 0870 240 4204
Anthropologie: anthropologie.eu
Amazon: amazon.co.uk
Argos: argos.co.uk
Bang & Olufsen: bang-olufsen.com
Browns: brownsfashion.co.uk
COS: cosstores.com
Concern gifts: concerngifts.org
Debenhams: debenhams.com
Design Museum: designmuseumshop.com
EA Sports Active: easportsactive.com
Extra Yard: extra-yards.com
Firebox: firebox.com
Go British: go-british.co.uk
Globe Trotter: globe-trotterltd.com
Harrods: harrods.com
Heal’s: heals.co.uk
Hobbs: hobbs.co.uk
House of Fraser: houseoffraser.co.uk
Laduree: 020-7493 5255
La Fromagerie: lafromagerie.co.uk
Lanidor: lanidor.com
Laura Ashley: lauraashley.com
Liberty: liberty.co.uk
Luigi’s Mail Order: luigismailorder.com, 020-3051 9352
John Lewis: 08456 049 049
Merry dogs: merrydogs.co.uk
Mibo: mibo.co.uk
Muji: muji.co.uk
Mungo and Maud: mungoandmaud.co.uk
Marks and Spencer: marksandspencer.com
Net-a-Porter: net-a-porter.com
Oki Ni: oki-ni.com
Paramount Zone: paramountzone.com
Paul Smith: paulsmith.co.uk
Peyton and Byrne: peytonandbyrne.net
Phaidon: phaidon.com
Philips: philips.co.uk
Prestat: prestat.co.uk, 020-7494 3372
Sainsburys: sainsburys.co.uk
SCP: scp.co.uk, 020-7739 1869
Selfridges: selfridges.com
Sipsmith: sipsmith.co.uk
Susie Watson: susiewatson.co.uk
Sonia Rykiel: 020-7493 5255
Talking Tables: talkingtables.co.uk
The Balcony Gardener: thebalconygardener.com
The White Company: thewhitecompany.co.uk
Urban Outfitters: urbanoutfitters.co.uk
V&A: vandashop.com
Vertbaudet: vertbaudet.co.uk
Vodafone: vodafone.co.uk
Whippet Grey: whippetgrey.co.uk
Wilkinson: 08456 080 807
Woolworths: 08448 221 010
WovenGround: wovenground.com, 020-7033 3731
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