‘Old fashioned’ Christmas traditions becoming thing of the past, study claims

Only 11 per cent of respondents say they will watch James Bond film on 25 December

Grant Bailey
Tuesday 20 November 2018 12:26 GMT
Only 65 per cent of respondents said they will put up a Christmas tree this year
Only 65 per cent of respondents said they will put up a Christmas tree this year (iStockphoto)

Much-loved Christmas traditions such as eggnog, pennies in the pudding and carol singing are now practically a thing of past, a study suggests.

Tipping the paperboy and binmen and even watching a James Bond film on 25 December are no longer a central part of the festive routine, the findings show.

Researchers found time and financial pressures are to blame along with a fear of not wanting to give the impression of being “old fashioned”.

Overall more than half of the 2,000 adults who took part expressed a belief that old traditions are falling by the wayside.

The survey shows just a third of Britons will hang a wreath on their door this year, and only 65 per cent will put up a Christmas tree.

One in four will not enjoy a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings this year and only seven in 10 are planning a traditional giving and receiving of gifts.

It also emerged only one in 10 are set to watch a James Bond film on television and fewer than one in 10 plan to do Christmas caroling this season.

The study also uncovered the key differences in how younger and older Brits will choose to celebrate Christmas this year.

While the Christmas dinner remains the focal point for the day, there were some key differences.

Britons aged 18 to 24 are more likely to prioritise putting up a Christmas tree to mark the occasion.

They are also more inclined to watch a Christmas film, open an advent calendar in the run up to the big day and listen to Christmas songs, according to the OnePoll study commissioned by British Corner Shop.

Those over the age of 50 prefer to celebrate by eating mince pies, hanging a wreath on their door and going for a post-dinner walk to burn off some calories.

Traditions on the wane (and the percentage of respondents who will adopt them this year)

Send a letter to Father Christmas through the fire (5 per cent)

Christingle (5 per cent)

Drink eggnog (5 per cent)

Put a sixpence or penny in a Christmas pudding (7 per cent)

Going out to sing Christmas Carols (7 per cent)

Decorate a gingerbread house (7 per cent)

Donate a shoebox to charity – typically containing sweets, clothing items, pens etc (11 per cent)

Watch a James Bond film (11 per cent)

Set fire to the Christmas pudding (13 per cent)

Go to the Christmas pantomime (13 per cent)

Hang mistletoe (14 per cent)

Give a tip to your postman or binman (14 per cent)

Have a nativity scene (14 per cent)

Put holly and ivy up (15 per cent)

Leave a mince pie and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer (19 per cent)

Have a real Christmas tree (20 per cent)

Drink mulled wine (23 per cent)

Watch The Queen’s Speech (25 per cent)

Put a stocking out (29 per cent)

Go for a post-Christmas dinner walk (29 per cent)


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