What are the new Christmas lockdown rules? Everything you need to know
New rules and restrictions have been announced for the Christmas period

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new restrictions on mixing with other households over the Christmas period after a huge spike in coronavirus cases in various parts of the country.
A special set of relaxed rules over the festive season had originally been announced, allowing up to three separate households to form a Christmas “bubble” and meet between 23 and 27 December.
Britons were also to be permitted to travel during that time to see family and friends.
However, this has now been scrapped, with new, harsher restrictions introduced.
Meanwhile, certain parts of England have been designated Tier 4 areas, with similar rules in place to the November lockdown.
Read more: What are the rules for tier 1, 2, 3 and 4?
Here’s everything you need to know about mixing with other households this Christmas.
Which parts of the country are in Tier 4?
The following areas are in Tier 4: London; Kent; Buckinghamshire; Berkshire; Surrey (excluding Waverley); the boroughs of Gosport, Havant, Portsmouth, Rother and Hastings; Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Luton, Peterborough; Hertfordshire; and Essex (excluding Colchester, Uttlesford and Tendring).
Can Tier 4 residents mix with other households over Christmas?
No. The Prime Minister has said that, due to a new strain of the virus that is up to 70 per cent more transmissible than the original variant, there has been a surge of new Covid-19 cases in the southeast.
Residents of Tier 4 areas, including London, have been told they must not mix indoors with anyone other than those in their own household or support bubble over the festive period, including on Christmas Day.
“I know how disappointing this will be,” said Mr Johnson. “But we must and will be guided by the science. When the science changes, we must change our response.”
The rules are similar to those of the November lockdown - so residents may meet one person from another household outdoors. From 20 December, those in Tier 4 are being told to stay at home as much as possible other than to exercise or shop for essential goods. Non-essential retail must close, as will indoor gyms and personal care services such as hairdressers.
What are the rules for Christmas mixing in other tiers?
The Christmas window running from 23 to 27 December has been scrapped. However, those in Tier 3 and under may still form a Christmas “bubble” of up to three households, who can meet on Christmas Day only.
Can households mix on New Year?
Mr Johnson was very clear that there was to be no relaxation of the rules on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.
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