bazaar: Should shops open... earlier?

Friday 20 October 1995 23:02 BST

Expert view: The clocks go forward tonight, giving us an extra hour of daylight in the morning. But can we capitalise on it? Shops seem to be opening later and later, particularly in London. We asked Clive Vaughan, retail consultant with retail analysts Verdict Research, whether they should open earlier.

"In fact most shops open at 8.30am during the week and on Saturdays. They can't open before 10am on Sundays because it's against the law except in certain instances like newsagents. Any town centre first thing in the morning is pretty quiet, people tend not to want to shop first thing in the morning. Shops do tend to open when people want them to, you don't see crowds of people waiting for shops to open, say at 9.15am on a Sunday. John Lewis bowed to public opinion by opening on Saturday afternoons. For people who work, Sunday opening is a big boon, as is late- night shopping. So really they have plenty of opportunity."

Smile calendar, pounds 19.95

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