2 for 1 GCSE and A-Level audio study aids

Saturday 20 April 1996 23:02 BST

The GCSE exams are fast approaching, and to help students perform to the best of their abilities, the Independent on Sunday and The Independent have teamed up with Arc Publishing to offer readers the chance to obtain a free audio study aid. When you buy one for pounds 9.99, you can choose another for free. Or if you buy two for pounds 19.98, you can choose three more for free, saving pounds 29.97.

There are 28 titles available in our range of Pass Your GCSE and also Pass Your A Level audio study aids. The study aids each worth pounds 9.99, are an excellent and proven way to help students prepare for their exams. Each title has been carefully produced by people who are the recognised authorities in their areas; the Chief Examiners and Assistant Chief Examiners themselves. Who better to advise students on how to get good grades?

The range also extends to ten of the most popular set texts on the Literature syllabus - and some of these titles consist of four cassettes. Each of the literature titles includes a superb reading or a definitive performance by legends of television and film - such as HarperCollins' Macbeth and Orwell's own radio adaptation of Animal Farm licenced from the BBC. Dr Rod Mengham and Ian Patterson of Cambridge University provide spoken notes explaining exactly what students should be listening for. These are informative and entertaining study aids designed to make subjects `come alive' and to help students do well in their exams.

How to Qualify

Seven differently numbered tokens will be printed in the Independent on Sunday and The Independent until Saturday 27 April. Token 1 is printed today, Token 2 will be printed in tomorrow's Independent.

To take up our 2 for 1 offer, you need to collect two differently numbered tokens. You can then order as many titles as you like on the 2 for 1 basis. To take up our 5 for 2 offer, you need to collect four differently numbered tokens. You can then order as may titles as you like on the 5 for 2 basis.

How to Order

An order form will be printed in The Independent on Wednesday 24 April. Once completed, send your order form and tokens to: Independent Study Aid Offer, PO Box 2010, Romford, Essex RM3 8NZ.

Postage and packaging is free. Please allow 14 days for delivery on receipt of your order. The offer closes 31 May 1996 and is subject to availability. Photocopies of tokens are not acceptable.


Lit: Animal Farm

Lit: Henry V

Lit: Tess of the D'Urbevilles

Lit: Macbeth

Lit: Twelfth Night

Lit: Far from the Madding Crowd

Lit: Merchant of Venice

Lit: Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry

Lit: Romeo & Juliet

Lit: Silas Marner

Lit: Preparing for the Exams

Lit: Drama Texts

Eng: Preparing for the Exam

Eng: Writing

Hist: Intnl Relations in the C20th

Hist: Hitler & Mussolini

Sci: The Spectrum of Life

Sci: From Genes to Galaxies

Geog: Settlement, Rural & Urban

Geog: Examination Techique


Socio: Theory & Method

Psychology: Ethics

Lit: Practical Criticism

Hist: The Rise of Hitler

Econ: Introduction to Economics

Geog: Weather & Hydrology

Lit: King Lear

Law: The Criminal Courts

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