Have we seen the last of Boris Johnson?

Sean O’Grady looks at what could happen when the findings of the privileges committee are debated in parliament on Monday

Thursday 15 June 2023 18:37 BST
The prospects for a Boris Johnson comeback are looking bleak
The prospects for a Boris Johnson comeback are looking bleak (AFP/Getty)

The publication of the report on Boris Johnson by the House of Commons committee of privileges is hardly the end of the matter. Contrary to some reportage, but in line with convention, the report of the committee and its recommendations will be debated in the chamber of the Commons on Monday.

It will be yet another opportunity for a further set-piece battle in the Conservative civil war. With so much at stake – not least Johnson’s reputation and the unity of the governing party – it promises to be an unusually spicy start to the week in Westminster.

What will happen on Monday?

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