Indyplus updates: Nigel Farage speech at UKIP conference
Nigel Farage: We are experiencing a Romanian crime wave

Speaking at Ukip’s conference in London, Party leader Nigel Farage did not mince his words on immigration and what he regards as the negative impact of Eastern Europeans entering the UK.
Mr Farage, who received a standing ovation before even opening his mouth on stage , said that he did not blame Bulgarians and Romanians for wanting to come to the UK but said there was a “dark side” to immigration.
The Ukip leader said London was “experiencing a Romanian crime wave”, suggested Romanians were responsible for 92 per cent of crimes at ATM machines.
Mr Farage then said: “This gets to the heart of the immigration policy that UKIP wants, we should not welcome foreign criminal gangs and we must deport those who have committed offences. Mr. Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are you listening?"
The Ukip leader called immigrant numbers in the UK “unprecedented”, summarising the numbers as: “Ten thousand a week. Half a million a year. Five million economic migrants in ten years coming to this country”.
“The effects are obvious,” he said. “In every part of our national life. The strain these numbers are putting on public services.”
Mr Farage then outlined his plans for a British exit from the European Union. He said:
“I believe that leaving the Union and reclaiming our destiny will create the most exciting opportunity for national renewal in our lifetime.”
The Ukip leader suggested the financial benefits gained from leaving the EU would be huge, saying:
“At the most basic level we get back £55 million a day. It adds up. It’s £20 billion a year.”
He added: “We could reduce the deficit. We could reduce corporation tax to 10 per cent. Give us the most competitive and attractive business taxes in the western world.”
Mr Farage then disparaged the idea that Britain would lose its trading connections with other European countries if it were to make an exit from the Union.
“Those ten thousand trucks a day coming in from the continent bringing goods into this country. They won’t stop coming. The £25 to £35 billion trade surplus the rest of Europe runs with us. That’s not going to stop,” he said.
Mr Farage closed his keynote speech by looking forward to next year’s European elections.
“Let's make May 22nd as our referendum on EU membership, let us send an earthquake through Westminster,” he said.
“Let us stand up and say: Give us our country back!”
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