What does the EU think of Theresa May’s leadership?

Politics Explained: Brussels may be exasperated with the prime minister but that doesn’t mean the EU wants her replaced

Jon Stone
Wednesday 08 May 2019 18:11 BST
Brexit: behind closed doors

A new BBC documentary features some sweary behind-the-scenes footage of EU officials being less than positive about Theresa May in the privacy of their own offices. In frustration one official describes the prime minister’s approach as “pathetic”, while her Brexit secretary David Davis is said to have his “head in the f***ing clouds”.

While the scenes are entertaining to watch and rather stark, in one sense they’re not that new – frustration at the British government, and often the prime minister herself, has sometimes leaked out from behind the closed doors of Brussels.

So you could be forgiven for thinking that EU officials and member states would welcome the endless news of leadership challenges to Theresa May. If she’s useless, presumably someone replacing her would be fine?

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