1Myprotein protein granola

My first impression after opening the tub was, “this smells and looks like coco pops”. How, I wondered, could it be possible that this chocolately smell belonged to something that offered twice the protein content of my beloved overnight oats?
But the granola is a low-key winner loaded with not just protein but carbs and fibre, too. The flavour was deeper than I expected and offered up a nutty aftertaste that was still very sweet. Unsurprisingly, the taste was very close to coco pops.
My issue was that while this breakfast alternative offered up everything I needed to fuel my morning and didn’t leave me feeling hungry afterwards, I didn’t really need it to contain chocolate or sugar. So for those on a sugar-free kick it might not be the best option. However, it did taste good and I can confirm that it turned the milk chocolately too.
Per 100 grams you’ll pack in 37g of protein and 39g of carbs along with plenty of fibre for gut health. But you can calculate your intake based on however many grams you’re serving up for breakfast versus your usual morning meal.
If you’re the sort of person who already eats sugary cereal with no added nutritional benefits, this option would certainly be a step up as it will keep you fuller for longer and help you pack in more protein for a good start to the day.