My Style: Lola Olafisoye
Occupation: Lead singer, Spektrum
Age: 39
Personal style: Hackney diva
James Sherwood: Your name is Lola. You are a showgirl. Or lead singer with a band called Spektrum, to be precise. And with your second album Fun At The Gymkhana Club in the shops now, I would imagine designers are queueing up to dress you.
Lola Olafisoye: I'm not that famous yet.
JS: It's the "yet" that suggests you will be. What I meant is that you put it all together rather well and I'd imagine fashion designers would trust you not to be a brand polluter.
LO: I've always loved clothes. What I don't have is one wardrobe for off-stage and one for performing. I've performed in this outfit, but I'm just as likely to wear a dress.
JS: What I like about this look is the mix of sport, Pop art stripes, corduroy and Hackney diva Afro and shades. It shouldn't work but you work it.
LO: We've just got back from a tour of Japan and all the cool-looking, cute little girls were wearing pop socks. I thought, "I can do that."
JS: I visited Tokyo for the first time this year. The kids' style made London look lacking in imagination.
LO: I agree, but it's difficult to emulate because the Japanese girls are so dainty. I did buy my leather hip holster-belt in Tokyo. I am notorious at gigs and festivals for losing things: money, passes, whatever. Now the problem's solved.
JS: The turquoise detail on the pocket of the belt picks up the colour of your top, which I like, but not half so much as those boots.
LO: They're last season's Campers, made all the more special by the lapels that fold out.
JS: Tell me about the shades.
LO: They're from Belstaff. I've had my eye on them for months but I thought nearly £150 was a bit steep. But it was my birthday recently so I made myself a present of them.
JS: Maybe it's the gypsy in me that makes me want to predict that this will be the last pair of designer shades you'll have to buy yourself.
Get the lead singer look
Sunglasses: £145, by Belstaff, tel: 020 7495 5897
Striped socks:£35, by Missoni,
Windstopper jacket: £85, by Adidas, tel: 0870 240 4204
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