How posh are you?
Take our quiz to find out how posh you are.

Long gone are the days of working, middle and upper class.
Following a recent BBC survey of more than 161,000 people, academics have concluded that Britons can no longer be boxed into these three categories: we’re now split into seven different social classes.
These classes are not just defined by income; researchers argue that economic, social and cultural factors need all be taken into an account. For instance the ‘emergent service workers’ class – mostly young people- have relatively low income, but high ‘social and cultural capital’.
So now you’re wondering: just how posh am I?
You have the option to take the actual British class calculator here, but if you want a more… let’s say 'light hearted' analysis, take the quiz below.
We've used Debrett's etiquette guide to formulate the perfect test of poshness. You'll see.
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