This recovery gel promises to quickly repair your body post-workout

Don’t fancy carrying a bulky protein shake bottle around? Try these

Zoe Griffin
Friday 28 June 2024 16:29 BST
One gel can increase energy levels, repair muscles and help with rehydration
One gel can increase energy levels, repair muscles and help with rehydration (The Independent)

The sooner you can get nutrients on board after exercise, the faster they can get to work helping the body repair. However, what do you do if you’re not taking a bag to the gym and only have room for your keys and phone in your pocket? A recovery gel could be the answer.

Essentially, a recovery gel has similar post-workout benefits to a recovery drink or a protein shake, but it doesn’t need to be mixed with water. Simply tear off the top and squeeze the contents into your mouth, like an endurance athlete’s energy gel or a grown-up version of a baby food pouch.

Small enough to fit into a pocket (or into your sports bra if you’re really short on space), the gels make repairing your muscles and restoring your energy stores after sport super convenient. They’re available in a wide range of flavours, with one of the most fresh and summery options being the Myprotein cherry recovery gel (£15.66, Here’s everything we know about the ingredients it contains and how it can help you recover faster after a sweaty session.

Myprotein recovery gels, 20-pack: £15.66,

Each box contains 20 individually-portioned recovery gels
Each box contains 20 individually-portioned recovery gels (Myprotein)

Created for convenient recovery, this refuelling gel combines protein and carbohydrates for a two-pronged attack on fatigue. Carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores, your body’s primary energy source during exercise. Protein, the building block of muscle, gets to work repairing microscopic tears caused by exertion. Myprotein’s gel offers a perfect balance of both with a precise mix of 15g of protein and 20g of carbohydrate, ensuring your body has the fuel to recover and the materials to rebuild.

And that’s not all. The Myprotein cherry gels contain BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) and glutamine, which are both powerhouses for muscle growth and repair. As well as vitamins B6, B12, magnesium, and riboflavin, which are all proven to increase energy levels and boost brain function.

Had a particularly sweaty session? Another key ingredient is a blend of electrolytes, which are essential minerals that are lost through sweat. If you want to stay hydrated so that your brain and body can function at their best all day, it’s vital to replenish your electrolytes after exercising and these gels offer a convenient way to do just that.

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Looking for expert recommendations? Read our guide to the best energy gels

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