Computers: Feedback

Thursday 04 August 1994 23:02 BST

Making notes on Papyrus

ISABEL Hilton asked for the perfect organiser for book writing (22 July). For keeping track of references and notes I use Papyrus, available for dollars 99 ( pounds 64) from Research Software Design, Suite 181, 2718 S W Kelly Street, Portland, Oregon, USA 97201.

Papyrus can be used to develop a list of references and then make any number of notecards from each of the references. The references and notecards can have any number of keywords assigned to them, allowing the references and/or notecards to be sorted and grouped.

The references and/or notecards in a group can be imported into a document, and all sorts of other things can be done which I have not yet tried.

Frank Millerd

Visiting Professor, Department of Economics

University of Portsmouth

Full frontal

I WOULD think that your readers could produce at least one new, bizarre, or just odd use of the Internet each week.

For example, the County Sheriff's Office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has issued a 'Wanted' notice for an armed robber who has escaped from jail - complete with frontal and side-view pictures of the man (Billy Wayne Jackson). And they are offering a reward of dollars 2,000.

Morry van Ments

Loughborough University

m van-ments@lut. ac. uk

Vote for Steve

NETWORX Inc has placed the first Democrat running for the US Congress onto the Internet's World Wide Web, complete with photos etc. Steve Crawford, running in Maryland's 6th district, is the first person running for such an office to place his platform, biography, etc on to the Internet in the form of a multimedia homepage.

By using this medium candidates like Steve are able to inexpensively and thoroughly bring their message to the people of the US.

To see and read about Steve Crawford, type in the following address: http://www. clark. net/pub/networx/crawford/Homepage. html

NetWorX Inc

networx@networx. clark. net

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