Want a green job? Move to China

Tuesday 12 October 2010 00:00 BST

The "Clean Tech Job Trends 2010" report released in October by market research company Clean Edge reveals the top ten clean-tech employers in the world.

With clean technology a rapidly growing area of investment for many cities around the world, alternative energy sectors such as solar power are becoming the next boom industries and an attractive area of employment.

The report divided clean tech industries into four categories: Energy, which included solar and wind power; Transport, including electric vehicles; Water, including water recovery and capture; and Materials, which includes green building materials and green chemistry. Companies within these sectors were then ranked by their second quarter financial filings and annual reports.

Using these criteria the report found that the majority of the top ten clean tech employers are based in China.

Out of the top ten companies, five were based on the Chinese mainland and an additional company was based in Hong Kong. The remaining companies were divided between Europe and the United States.

Though the majority of clean-tech employers may be located in China, for those unwilling to make the move a number of specialist recruitment sites such as greenjobs.com or ends.co.uk cater exclusively to those looking for a more environmentally friendly job. A selection of these sites catering to job seekers in the United States, Canada and Europe can be found below:

The top ten clean-tech employers as ranked by the "Clean Tech Job Trends" report are:

Rank Company Headquarters Activity / Sector Employees
1 Vesta Wind Systems Randers, Denmark Wind 20,730
2 LDK Solar Xinyu, China Solar 13,464
3 Suntech Power Holdings Wuxi, China Solar 12,548
4 Itron Washington, USA Smart Grid 9,000
5 China BAK Battery Shenzhen, China Energy storage 8,200
6 Trina Solar Changzhou, China Solar 7,891
7 Baldor Electric Company Arizona, USA Electric motors 7,250
8 Gamesa Co. Technologica Vitoria, Spain Wind 6,721
9 Neo-Neon Holdings Hong, Kong LED lighting 6,505
10 Yingli Green Energy Baoding, China Solar 5,813

The full "Clean Tech Job Trends" report can be read here

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