Norweigan mountain on 'red alert' for landslides after moving 10cm a day
Geologists have been closely monitoring the range

A ‘red alert’ landslide warning has been issued to residents living near to a Norwegian mountain which is moving up to 10cm a day.
People living near part of the Mannen in Romsdalen will be evacuated immediately if the situation worsens.
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) said on Wednesday morning movement has slowed but it remains on high alert.
“It's hard to say what will happen to the mountain, so we are constantly considering the likelihood of landslides,” NVE communications director Kjetil Hillestad said.
Movement has stalled somewhat because freezing temperatures mean there is less water in the system.
“At its peak, the mountain moved at a speed of 10cm per day, which is a lot. The movements are somewhat diminished since yesterday afternoon, and the rate is now around 2cm a day,” NVE geologist Ingrid Skrede told The Local.
But people living in the region are actually hoping for a landslide.
It has been unstable since 2009 and has been closely monitored by geologists ever since.
The unstable debris and rocks which pose a risk will fall to the bottom if a landslide occurs.
“Now we are just waiting for nature to sort it out,” said Mayor Lars Olav Hustad.
More than 70 people were killed in landslides in Sri Lanka in May.
They occurred in the central district of Kegalle after torrential rains and extensive flooding.
A 108-year-old funicular railway was severely damaged in the same month after a huge landslide devastated a popular coastal resort in Bournemouth.
The Edwardian East Cliff railway was partially submerged by stone, rock, soil and other debris after the path at the top of the 100ft verge collapsed.
In 2014 Norway's NRK TV set up a webcam in front of the mountain to capture a predicted imminent rockslide.
But the only action was a tiny landslide which lasted for just 15 seconds.
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