Field of dreams - or just a naked appeal for attention?

Danielle Demetriou
Monday 30 June 2003 00:00 BST

It was certainly the most explicit way to ensure that a message was spelt out loudly and clearly.

Under blue skies and the gaze of startled locals, protesters stripped naked in a field yesterday and formed the words "No GM" with their bodies.

The 30 campaigners opted to shed their clothes during the Bare Witness protest in Forest Row, West Sussex, to highlight their opposition to the use of genetically modified crops.

While high temperatures helped, participants were moved by a "passionate" concern at the danger of commercial planting of GM crops, according to Mike Grenville, who organised the mixed-gender event.

"None of us had any problems getting our kit off for the cause," said Mr Grenville, a 51-year-old business consultant from Forest Row. "The Government must listen before they make a decision on the issue."

The display took place only hours after other protesters destroyed genetically modified wheat at a research station in Bracknell, Berkshire.

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