Environmental 'Pacman' continues pursuit

Saturday 29 January 2011 01:00 GMT
(2010 Greenpeace)

Environmental organization Greenpeace will continue to host the online game "Turtle vs. TATA," after the Delhi High Court in India ruled against industrial development company TATA on January 28.

The "Turtle vs. TATA" game, similar in style to the classic Pacman games, was launched by Greenpeace in 2010.

In the game players have to guide a small yellow turtle around a maze, eating larger silver dots as they go, all the while the turtle is being pursued by "Pacmen," essentially, giant mouths, trying to eat them.  

Competent players can enter their names and see if they earned a high score or "like" the game and share it with friends via Facebook.

The "Turtle vs. TATA" game can be played online at: http://greenpeace.in/turtle/turtle-vs-tata

In a January 28 press release the environmental organization defended the game, claiming that it was designed "[...] to spread awareness about the threat TATA's Dhamra port in Orissa poses to [the] ecosystem [and the] endangered Olive Ridley Turtles ."

The Delhi High Court will continue to hear the evidence in the case for damages filed by the TATA Group until the next hearing, scheduled for February 21.

More information about the TATA Group can be found at: http://www.tata.com/
Information about the Dhamra port project can be found at: http://www.dhamraport.com/

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