Man spent $600 building mini cinema for wild squirrels

The squirrel cinema features a working screen

Friday 10 June 2022 15:47 BST
Man spent $600 building mini cinema for wild squirrels

A man built a mini cinema for wild squirrels complete with handmade promotional posters, a concession stand - and a movie screen.

Jason Lenzi, 30, created the miniature movie theatre after realising squirrels would never get to experience a real-life cinema.

Videos show Jason, who works in video production, build the entire theatre from scratch in two months at a cost of $600.

He used an old tablet playing its own squirrel movie as the screen and built a miniature concession stand and filled it with treats.

Jason added LED strip lights for ambiance, popcorn bowls filled with squirrel-friendly treats and finished it off with handmade movie promotional posters.

Jason Lenzi used an old tablet playing its own squirrel movie as the screen
Jason Lenzi used an old tablet playing its own squirrel movie as the screen (Collab / SWNS)

He also installed four cameras inside to monitor the activity of the squirrels and positioned the theatre in his large, forest back garden.

Jason, from Detroit, Michigan, USA, said: “I love building and creating things.

“I thought this would be a perfect project to challenge myself and my building skills, as well as do something fun with my time.

The cinema includes handmade promotional posters
The cinema includes handmade promotional posters (Collab / SWNS)

“Also, I REALLY wanted to know what squirrels would all do with their own mini movie theater! Honestly they loved it!

“They got to experience what a movie theatre is like and I'm glad I could be the one to show them.

“They got to munch delicious treats and snacks while watching the wonderful ‘Revenge Of The Squirrels’ movie I made for them. The whole thing was a blast to make.”

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