Win beer for a year & HMV vouchers
Imagine seeing any band of your choice anywhere in the world... It would be the dream trip of a lifetime for anyone, let alone the hardcore music fans out there. If you drink Holsten Pils, then maybe next time it could be you! It's all part of Music Mix 98, a joint promotion with music giant HMV and Holsten Pils where 50 bottles, in bars and clubs around the country, carry a special instant-win label offering winners the trip of a lifetime to see any band of their choice, anywhere in the world. And that's not all, the label on all Music Mix bottles of Holsten can be used as a pounds 1-off voucher for any HMV CD over pounds 12.99. So now you can drink great beer and get cheaper CDs and get a chance to see your favourite band, wherever they may be playing. Not wishing to miss out on the action, The Independent has teamed up with Holsten Pils and HMV with lots of goodies to giveaway. There are two first prizes of beer for a year (which may contain a winning bottle), pounds 100 worth of HMV gift vouchers and a Music Mix CD aptly named Thrills, Chills & Originals with tracks from the likes of Bentley Rhythm Ace, Black Grape, Ocean Colour Scene, and Electrasy. Five second prizes include a crate of Holsten (which may also include a winning bottle), a Music Mix CD, a lighter and a Holsten T-shirt. So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning one of the above prizes? Well, you may have seen some of the new Holsten Pils adverts on television starring Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson in a series of hilarious commercials. The Crafty Cockney, Swiss Toni, Coughing Bob, The Patagonians and The Tailors are just some of the characters who feature in the Holsten Pils campaign who also starred in a well-known comedy series. What incredibly "quick" comedy series was this?
Send your answer on a postcard, including your name, address, and daytime phone number to: Holsten/HMV Competition, FFI, 18-24 Westbourne Grove, London W2 5RH by 22 Aug. You must be over 18 to enter. Usual Independent Newspapers rules apply. First correct entries out of the bag will win.
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