Watch Tom Cruise lip sync to The Weeknd (seriously)

This is a thing that actually happened

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 28 July 2015 16:12 BST

Jimmy Fallon's recurring lip sync battle segment got particularly surreal last night, when Tom Cruise arrived to give a rendition of The Weeknd's summer banger 'Can't Feel My Face'.

The price of promoting Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, the Cruiser had to lip sync two tracks, also laying siege to Meatloaf's 'Paradise By The Dashboard Light'.

"This is so ridiculous" Cruise said, shaking his head, before the performances, but to his credit attacked them with gusto, running his hands through his hair and giving some powerful side-camera glances.


The full thing:

I couldn't tell you which songs Fallon performed because like everyone else I skipped them (although, on second watch there is a pretty nice Top Gun throwback towards the end of his second).

In spite of Scientology-tainted reputation, Cruise is pretty game for this sort of stuff, having previously taken part in a game with Fallon where they throw glasses of water in each other's faces.

He's also no stranger to musical numbers, having starred in 2012's Rock of Ages.

Out 30 July, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation sees him perform some more incredible stunts, including hanging from the side of a plane mid-air and holding his breath underwater for six minutes.


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