Video: Watch every death on Game of Thrones in under three minutes
If you've ever wondered how many people have been killed on the show to date, this video has the answer
If you’re not up-to-date with Game of Thrones then look away now.
The news site Digg has put together a delightful video of every onscreen death on the fantasy show - in just under three minutes.
From decapitations to drownings and stabbings to hangings, the video has compiled every single death witnessed by viewers from the first three seasons.
The video entitled "Every On-Screen Death In Game Of Thrones, In Under 3 Minutes" is set to Tony Bennett's jaunty song 'Put on a Happy Face'.
In case you lose count, there is a handy little death counter in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to keep track of corpses which reaches 5,179 by the end.
The video serves as a handy recap of just who has bitten the dust since the show began, particularly after last year’s bloody Red Wedding which dispensed with a fair few characters.
One of the first to meet their end in the video is Ned Stark, played by Sean Bean, who is notorious for dying in all his of his roles.
Game of Thrones is known for its graphic violence and tendency to kill off main characters quicker than you can say Valar Morghulis (that's High Valyrian for "all men must die").
The video was uploaded to YouTube on Thursday and since then it’s received over 200,000 views.
Season four of the fictional medieval series will be returning to our screens tomorrow in a transatlantic simulcast, with fans in the UK expected to stay up for the 2am broadcast.
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