Vicki Michelle on I'm A Celebrity 2014: Everything you need to know about the actress

Michelle will break a 25-year pantomime stint to go into the jungle

Kashmira Gander
Tuesday 11 November 2014 19:06 GMT
Vicki Michelle
Vicki Michelle (ITV)

Name: Vicki Michelle MBE

Age: 63

Occupation: Actress

Relationship status: Married

Phobias: Snakes and spiders but she says she’s “going to be brave”.

Interesting fact: Vicki was awarded an MBE for Services to Charity in 2010.

Michelle is best known for her role as the waitress Yvette Carte-Blanche in the 1980s and early Nineties comedy ‘Allo ‘Allo.

Since then, she has appeared in ITV soap Emmerdale, and in pantomimes productions including Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Jack and the Beanstalk.

Michelle's time in the jungle will break her almost 25-year panto stint.

The actress said she is entering the jungle to represent “the older woman.”

“Don’t write us off!” she declared, adding: “All the knowledge I have gleaned of being older will be put to use!”

She said that she will stick up to her fellow contestants if they “p*ss [her] off” and added she would love to win I’m a Celebrity.

“I’d be the Queen Vic,” she says, laughing as she does. “But can you imagine if I did? It would be fabulous.”

I’m A Celebrity will begin on ITV on Sunday 16 November.

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