The Walking Dead: Was Glenn calling for help on the walkie-talkie?

Spoilers for season six of The Walking Dead ahead

Jack Shepherd
Monday 16 November 2015 10:43 GMT
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead (AMC)

If it wasn’t obvious from the title **The Walking Dead spoilers ahead**

Earlier this season, Steven Yeun’s character Glenn Rhee was seemingly killed off-screen, his blood and guts seen pouring everywhere as Walkers chowed down on his body.

Yet, it was never confirmed he was killed, and so fans have been speculating how he managed to survive the onslaught that led Nicholas to shoot himself in the head.

Just two weeks ago, it was noted how Yeun’s name was taken out of the opening credits, pretty much confirming we wouldn’t be seeing his character again. Watch the scene below.

However, in the episode "Always Accountable", Daryl Dixon is seen speaking to someone through a walkie-talkie. Just as the episode ends, a one syllable word is heard from the other end: “Help”.

As unlikely as it is Glenn managed to survive the Walker onslaught from weeks ago, Steven Yean has been spotted on set as recent as a few weeks ago alongside another character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe, who has yet to be introduced on the show.

Executive producer David Alpert has also refused to confirm the character’s death, saying: “We will find out what happened to Glenn… I feel like, regardless of what happened to Glenn, he paid a tremendous price for having been human to Nicholas, and that, to me, from an emotional point-of-view — whether or not Glenn is alive or dead or something else — the Glenn that we knew, the one that believed in the better side of humanity, I think is dead.”

Although Daryl Dixon himself, Norman Reedus, has said Glenn will definitely not be back, there’s even more evidence for Glenn surviving.

As The Daily Beast point out, Glenn’s death in the comics is one of the most brutal and gory events in The Walking Dead’s history, but it didn’t happen like this.

In the episode "Now", it is revealed Maggie is pregnant with Glenn’s baby, setting of a chain of events that, in the comics, eventually lead to upcoming super-villain Negan (to be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

Negan - who will likely be introduced at the end of this season/beginning of next - bashes Glenn’s head with a barbed baseball bat right in front of his whole family. So if he does survive, don’t expect him to be around too long.

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