The Simpsons offers Oscars selfie of its own, nails Kevin Spacey's expression

Bradley Cooper boots Homer out of shot

Christopher Hooton
Wednesday 05 March 2014 09:44 GMT
In case you ever wondered what Meryl Streep would look like as a Simpson
In case you ever wondered what Meryl Streep would look like as a Simpson (Matt Groening)

The Simpsons has parodied Ellen DeGeneres' record-breaking Oscars selfie, reimagining it in cartoon form with added Homer and Bart Simpson.

Gliding past the three million retweets mark, Ellen's photo of herself with half of Hollywood has seen endless reconstructions, with even the Turkish national football team getting in on the action yesterday.

This latest version was posted by Simpsons creator Matt Groening through the Homer J. Simpson Twitter account, a tweet on which read: "The ugly true story of that Oscar selfie can finally be told! Let's break Twitter again. Look for Bart."

Homer appears booted out of shot by Bradley Cooper in the picture, while Bart's spikey hair is visible in front of Julia Roberts.

Kevin Spacey is the best thing about the image however, the cartoonist having nailed his faintly astonished expression.

Yesterday it emerged that Liza Minelli was a secret 12th member of the selfie photo, but was too short to make it into the frame.

It was a shame, since her satin outfit and and shock of blue hair would have been a brilliant addition.

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