The Apprentice 2015: Claude Littner replaces Nick Hewer as Lord Sugar's aide but who is king of the put-down?

Every interviewee's worst nightmare looks set to have us quaking in our boots

Jess Denham
Wednesday 14 October 2015 10:45 BST
Nick Hewer and Claude Littner have both proved crucial in Lord Sugar's hunt for a new apprentice
Nick Hewer and Claude Littner have both proved crucial in Lord Sugar's hunt for a new apprentice (Getty Images/Rex Features)

For all of you who have ever dreaded an interview, Nick Hewer’s newly-appointed replacement on The Apprentice is officially your worst nightmare.

Oh yes, Lord Sugar’s new right-hand man is none other than Claude Littner, famous for telling 2010 candidate Stuart Baggs that he was “not even a fish”, let alone a big one.

Littner is no strange to the high-pressured hunt for a talented new businessman or woman, having interrogated many wannabes about their business plans since the hit series launched in 2005.

Put simply, Claude is terrifying. He has no qualms about crushing dreams and could give Jeremy Paxman a run for his money in the most intimidating interviewer stakes.

“If the candidates think I am soft and fluffy, they haven’t been watching me on The Apprentice over the past decade,” Littner said of his promotion, as if we weren’t quaking enough already.

“I will now be assessing their performance in the process, individually and within their teams. I will be reporting to Lord Sugar to play my part in ensuring that his personal investment of £250,000 goes to the best candidate. I’m ready, and this won’t be a walk in the park.”

Here are just a few of his most withering put-downs:

But can Littner really compete with Hewer, the man notorious for his almost Shakespearean asides when contestants got it wrong? The trusted aide whose eyebrows spoke a thousand words?

Oh how we'll miss those expressive eyebrows (BBC/ Talkback)

Let’s not forget him too quickly, he was a staple in the boardroom for a decade after all. Below are some of his more acerbic moments:

“Stuart’s leadership style leaves me trembling with irritation.” – Stuart Baggs, 2010

“He’s all dong and no ding” – Syed Ahmed, 2006

“You were all over it like a tramp on chips!” – Team Synergy, 2009

“I’ll tell you what happened, ‘cause I was there! It was the most disgraceful display of bad manners I’ve seen in many a long day.” – Luisa Zissman, 2013

Then of course, there were all the times that Nick needed no words to get his thoughts across...

Nick you’ll be missed, but we rule Claude the only man fit to fill your boots and assume the put-down crown.

Catch the first episode of the new series of The Apprentice tonight at 9pm on BBC1.

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