Survivor participant Dan Spilo removed after 'another incident' after being accused of inappropriate touching
This is the first time the show has sent a player packing this way

A Survivor contestant has become the first person to be booted off the programme, weeks after being accused of inappropriate touching.
Host Jeff Probst announced on Wednesday’s episode that Dan Spilo, a talent manager in Hollywood, had been removed.
A decision has been made and Dan will not be returning to the game,” Probst told the remaining participants.
While Probst provided few details, a title card at the end of the episode stated: “Dan was removed from the game after a report of another incident, which happened off-camera and did not involve a player.”
This is the first time Survivor, a show that has aired for 39 seasons over 19 years, has evicted a participant.
In a November episode, contestant Kellee Kim openly complained about Spilo, deeming him “extremely inappropriate” and referring to an instance in which she said he “kept touching me”.
“Even yesterday he took my hair and went like this,” she added, tucking another contestant’s hair back behind her ear.
Spilo received a warning from producers after those complaints were made.
Two other players in the programme appeared to echo Kim’s comments at the time but later said they had done so in order to remain in the competition. They have issued apologies on social media.
Spilo apologised in the November episode, saying: “My personal feeling is if anyone ever felt for a second uncomfortable about anything I’ve ever done, I’m horrified about that and I’m terribly sorry.”
The Independent has contacted CBS, which broadcasts Survivor, and Spilo for comment.