Strictly Come Dancing: Ola Jordan 'confirms' departure after claiming judges scores are 'fixed'

'I have had an amazing 10 years on the show, but things change and I feel it's time for me to move onto other things'

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 22 November 2015 09:52 GMT

Strictly Come Dancing's credibility has been put into question after Ola Jordan ‘confirms’ she is leaving the BBC show just days after claiming “judges over-marked and under-marked” contestants.

The professional dancer - who has been on the show for 10 years - made the revelations to her 259,000 followers just before Saturday’s Blackpool show.

“Hi tweeps.... So, yes it's true,” she wrote. “I will be leaving Strictly at the end of this series. I have had an amazing 10 years on the show, but things change and I feel it's time for me to move onto other things.

She went on to thanks everyone for all their support as well as the “brilliant” pro-dancers, adding: “it's time for me to move onto other things”.

“Sometimes in life you have to take a step backwards in order to keep moving forwards,” she concluded.

Jordan began her Strictly career in 2006, winning the 2009 contest with celebrity partner Chris Collins. Earlier this year, she was the first contestant to leave alongside Iwan Thomas.

The 33-year-old claimed earlier this week that the show was ‘fixed’, saying judges mark the popular couples higher than their rivals.

She told the Sun: “Some of the marking is way off. People are over-marked and under-marked. As a dancer, you can’t cheat me. I know who has been over-marked and under-marked.

"In my opinion they know how many votes people scored in the previous weeks and then they try to influence their position on the leaderboard. If the show is not fair, it takes the fun out of it.”

The BBC said the claim was “nonsense”, saying: “Any suggestion that the scores are "fixed" is nonsense. Each judge scores each dance independently, based on its merits and in their expert opinion”

The broadcaster has been contacted for comment over Jordan’s departure.

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