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Strictly Come Dancing, semi-final: 5 talking points, from Lauren Steadman's disappointing evening to Ashley Roberts and Faye Tozer topping the leaderboard

Joe Sugg also struggles with two dances as he tumbles down the leaderboard

Emma Bullimore
Sunday 09 December 2018 13:23 GMT
Strictly Come Dancing: Ashley Roberts & Pasha Kovalev top leaderboard at semi-final for American Smooth routine

Wow. After the relative ease of learning one, fun, musicals-themed number for last week’s special, tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing semi-final really split the men from the boys. Or should we say the Ashleys from the Laurens.

With each couple performing two routines, the pressure was intense and we saw dancers crumble out on a lonely dance floor. Here’s what happened:

A tough night for Joe and Lauren

Learning two dances in one week is a big ask and it just proved too much for Joe Sugg and Lauren Steadman, only adding more fuel to the fire in the debate around dance experience and Ashley Roberts’ background as a performer. While clearly disappointed with the battering from the judges, Lauren looked fairly resigned – she’s been here before and after her disastrous Argentine Tango, she surely knew she was up against it with a ballroom version of the same dance.

Joe looked completely crestfallen though and even admitted he was "gutted". He just couldn’t find the characterisation or attack for his Argentine Tango and you could see the cogs turning in his mind as he tried to remember the steps. It’s a shame they didn’t have more time to work on the routines – they could have been better.

Stacey continues to sparkle

With four tens and nothing lower than a nine, Stacey should be thrilled with tonight’s performances. She nailed the Charleston, the dance that made her sign up to Strictly in the first place, and the Viennese Waltz wasn’t perfect, but still impressive enough to leave everyone smiling.

Plus she’s had that all-important ‘journey’, which is something Faye and Ashley would kill for to bag them a few more votes. After four years as the runner-up, you get the feeling this could finally be Kevin’s year to lift the trophy. Although we’ve definitely said that before…

Ashley and Faye top the leaderboard

Again. This time they’re sharing the honours, sitting pretty on 76 points out of a possible 80, looking down at the mere mortals beneath them. The funny thing was they both had one rough dance by their standards: Ashley’s Paso Doble was generally written off as disappointing, especially after Pasha almost fell over, and ever-chirpy Faye Tozer clearly has a real and fierce hatred for the samba. Still, it’s the glamour of Ashley’s American Smooth (a perfect 40) and the drama of Faye’s Argentine Tango (39) that we will remember.

Craig’s claws were out

Craig’s currently in panto with Paul Chuckle (why isn’t this being televised?), and he brought the essence of his Wicked Stepmother routine to Elstree this evening. He started by picking a fight with Shirley over Lauren’s frame (unwise, Craig). Then he not only criticised Kevin’s choreography (a Strictly cardinal sin), but also accused him of cheating, by allowing Stacey to avoid the more difficult steps. Then CRH’s nit-picking with Faye was so outrageous that mild-mannered Darcey felt the need to intervene. Still, no cat-fighting with Bruno, which was obviously disappointing.

An impossible show to call

It really should be obvious who will make the final by now. Weeks ago it seemed clear-cut: Stacey and Joe would book their places via the fans, with Faye and Ashley earning theirs outright with stunning performances. But Lauren has thrown a huge spanner in the works. She’s the weakest dancer by far, but she’s never been in a dance-off. Ashley is incredibly capable, but she doesn’t have the viewer support. And with all the attention on those two, is it possible that Faye or Stacey could be in for a nasty shock as people feel they’re already safe? There will definitely be tears on Sunday night…

Catch up on everything that happened during the Strictly Come Dancing semi-final below.

The Strictly Come Dancing results show is on Sunday on BBC One.


Shirley says there was a lot of good work in that routine, but she wanted a bit more flow. Brrrruno says he's ready to party all night. Tell us something we don't know, mate! He calls the routine 'excellent'. Craig wanted more hip action (as always) but does call the dance 'incredible'.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:18

Faye and Giovanni: Samba scores

Craig: 9

Darcey: 9

Shirley: 9

Bruno: 10

Total: 37

'I'm going to burn my Latin shoes,' says Faye. 37 isn't bad for a dance she openly despised!

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:20

Time for Stacey's Vienesse Waltz now. Initially she thought it was a 'Vietnamese Waltz' (true story) but she's delighted to be back in the ballroom and has been enjoying training. Although she admits she's been struggling with the pivots and clearly the Charleston was the favourite this week. Interested to see how this routine turns out.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:22

We see the judges raving about Stacey every single week, do we really need to see it again in a special VT?

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:23

All this fleckerl chat is making me miss Len.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:24

Obviously the choreography is dreamy because Kevin's the master of such things, but I'm very distracted by Stacey's hands, which to me are ruining her lines. Once she's properly in hold she's coping well with the spins and her top line is much better than Joe's. It was one of those routines where the music, costume and partnership really came together, details don't matter so much when you're swept away in the emotion.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:26

Brrrrruno loved it all except Stacey's hands. Craig feels like Kevin was cheating with the choreography to save her from too many spins. Kev looks very miffed. Fight, fight, fight!

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:28

Stacey and Kevin: Viennese Waltz scores

Craig: 8

Darcey: 9

Shirley: 10

Bruno: 9

Total: 36

'I feel calm tonight, I'm having the most amazing time, whatever happens,' says Stacey.

Kev says he's never seen so much improvement in a celeb partner.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:30

Here we go then, Mr Popular Joe taking on one of Strictly's most crowd-pleasing dances, the Argentine Tango. Very unclear how this will go. I would love him to nail it, but not convinced he has the right combination of attack and control. It could look like a boy trying to do a man's dance. But I so hope he proves me wrong.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:31

This is Peaky Blinders-themed by the way, probably because Stacey's Doctor Who-themed Tango went so well.

emmabullimore8 December 2018 19:32

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