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Strictly Come Dancing final: 5 talking points, from Stacey Dooley's win to the return of Danny John Jules

Out of four finalists, it was Dooley and her partner Kevin Clifton that came out on top, despite Craig Revel Horwood's refusal to give her a ten for her showdance

Emma Bullimore
Sunday 16 December 2018 12:10 GMT
Joe Sugg says he's loved inspiring young men to dance through Strictly

So there we have it, Stacey Dooley and Kevin Clifton are your Strictly champions for 2018! They were bottom of the judges’ leaderboard, but the audience didn’t care. On this show, if you don’t have a journey you’ve got no chance of glitterball glory. Here’s what happened:

Kevin turned into Brendan Cole

The stakes were high for Grimsby’s finest Kevin Clifton. This was his fifth Strictly final and he was fed up of coming a close second. So perhaps that’s why he got so stroppy with Craig when he refused to give them a ten and poured scorn on Kev’s showdance choreography. ‘He does this to me in every final!’ moaned Kevin as Craig dismissed his masterpiece as ‘lots of running around’. Ouch.

The showdances!

The highlight of any Strictly final, amid all of the strung-out VTs and voting reminders, it’s the showdances we tune in to see. Faye’s was by far the best – an old school Hollywood number with glamorous, cinematic choreography. It oozed showbiz and Faye sparkled.

Joe’s attempt to be a rock and roller wasn’t quite as successful (although his trampolining was good) and Ashley’s contemporary routine was technically amazing but hardly a crowd pleaser. Stacey’s energetic jive-based number was full of commitment but it split the judges. Clearly it was enough to make people vote though.

Great dancing won’t win the glitterball

Ashley faced the dance-off for three weeks in a row and did her best to ignore a huge backlash about her dance background. Tonight, both she and Faye produced clean show-stopping performances, scoring a perfect 120 out of 120. But it wasn’t enough. Alas, it’s not just about the dancing ladies, but you did yourselves proud.

Look who’s back!

Let’s face it, Strictly is on telly for a long, long time every year. So it’s easy to forget who graced that dance floor until they reunite for a special nostalgic routine in the final. It was great to see Danny John Jules put his ‘show must go on’ smile on after boycotting It Takes Two when he got eliminated. And nobody batted an eyelid when erstwhile national villain Sean(n) Walsh recreated his Matrix number. Dr Ranj was great fun, Susannah brought back her ridiculous props and it was great fun to get the gang back together.

Naughty Brrrruno

Yet again Brrrruno said a naughty word on telly as he tried to talk about Stacey’s ‘Greatest Hits’. To be fair, it’s quite a minor slip-up for Mr Tonioli, he’s said a lot worse. The judges were falling over themselves to praise the contestants tonight, although for once Bruno didn’t actually fall off his chair.

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Atmospheric shots of empty corridors and a quiet studio... don't worry guys, Tess will be making terrible jokes before you know it.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:31

Oh God, we're going to have to see Sean(n) and Katya again aren't we? Let's not think about it yet. The pros are setting the tone with an awesome opening number, also serving as another reminder that Johannes needs a partner next year...

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:34

Oh Ashley. Who'd have thought she would enter the final as an underdog?

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:35

You'll notice Joe has dyed his hair red, after promising he'd do so if he made it to the final. A promise he has regretted ever since!

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:36

MARY BERRY ALERT! Front row, just as she deserves. Queen.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:36

Even in the final the judges couldn't get that entrance right, I despair. Still, they all look fab-u-lous. The couples look ready to go, can't wait to see Ashley do her Dirty Dancing routine again...

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:38

Here we go then, Ashley and Pasha are kicking off the show. The last few weeks have shown us they haven't got the slightest hope of actually winning, so don't fret about her dance training, just enjoy their magnificent performances. This Dirty Dancing routine is nostalgic, fun and effortless - here's hoping they nail that famous lift once again.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:40

Anyone who loves the film should be really enjoying this, Ashley and Pasha are really bringing the spirit of the movie to the dance floor. The lift was amazing and Ashley's letting loose now, loved it.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:43

There's the Strictly singers, who are being forced to sing Arctic Monkeys later, I'm scared for them. Shirley loved the routine, as she did last time, and Brrrrruno is up on his feet already. Standard. Craig is dropping catchphrases already: 'Uh-may-zing!' he says. This could be a 40.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:45

Ashley and Pasha: Judges' pick Salsa scores

Craig: 10

Darcey: 10

Shirley: 10

Bruno: 10

Total: 40

'I just had so much fun out there!' says Ashley

A reminder that the judges' scores are just for guidance tonight, the result will be calculated purely from public votes. Still, always nice to get a 40.

emmabullimore15 December 2018 18:46

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