Scarlett Johnsson calls Ivanka Trump 'cowardly' following 'complicit' interview

The Ghost in the Shell actor previously spoofed the First Daughter on SNL

Jack Shepherd
Friday 07 April 2017 15:12 BST

Scarlett Johansson’s appearance on Saturday Night Live ruffled a few feathers when she donned a blonde wig to portray Ivanka Trump.

Asked her reaction to the skit, itself a faux advert for the perfume ‘Complicit,’ Trump insisted she’s activity involved with trying to guide the current Presidential administration.

Speaking at Tina Brown's Women in the World Summit, Johansson continued the conversation, calling Trump “cowardly” while commenting on the First Daughter’s recent interview.

“[Ivanka] said… she felt that the greatest change… actually would be behind closed doors, and nobody would actually know that she had made this change,” Johansson told the audience, according to The Cut.

“And I thought, well that’s empowering! How old-fashioned, this idea that behind a great man is a great woman. What about being in front of that person or next to them? It is such an old-fashioned concept that to be this powerful woman you can’t appear to be concerned, that someone is going to think that you are bitchy, or a powerful woman. They get concerned with this idea that they are going to be seen in this unforgiving light and screw that. It is so old fashioned and it is so uninspired and actually really cowardly.”

Johansson went on to talk about the difficulty in seeing a parent thrown into “a position that he never really wanted” but explained how Trump’s in a very unique and impactful position.

“I have met her several times in the past, and many years ago, and we both grew up in New York, and we have some friends in common, and she is a very well-spoken and smart, intelligent woman, and I think engaging… but the whole situation baffles me.”

Meanwhile, Merriam-Webster, a prestigious dictionary founded in the mid-1800s, weighed in on Trump’s apparent inability to define “complicit”.

"'Complicit' is trending after Ivanka Trump told CBS 'I don’t know what it means to be complicit,'" Merriam-Webster said on Twitter. The dictionary also included a link to the definition of the word which is defined as "helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way."

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