Mark Hamill reads Donald Trump's tweets in the voice of the Joker
Hamill voiced the character many times over the past couple of decades; including in the '90s TV show Batman: The Animated Series and the Batman: Arkham games.

Donald Trump's endless Twitter stream has drawn many comparisons over the past year or so: from twelve-year-old's tantrums, to the rantings of a cartoon supervillain.
Batman's great nemesis, the Joker, to be more specific; with comedy writer Matt Oswalt tweeting that Trump's sinister New Year's Eve tweet - "Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!" - sound a little too much like something the Joker himself would say.
Specifically, "this sounds like something the Joker would say right before releasing a swarm of killer bees into Gotham"; prompting Oswalt to pitch to Mark Hamill the idea of an app which could read back each of Trump's tweets in Hamill's own Joker voice.
Hamill, of course, has voiced the character many times over the past couple of decades; including in the '90s TV show Batman: The Animated Series and the Batman: Arkham games. He recently returned to voice the villain in the animated film Batman: The Killing Joke.
The actor responded to Oswalt's tweet with, "As soon as I figure out how to tweet soundbites, I’d LOVE to. Nobody writes better super-villain dialogue than #Trumputin!", before releasing an audio clip entitled "The Trumpster quote #1". And that title presumably means there are more treats from Hamill on the way.
Hamill isn't the first actor to lend a suitable voice to the President-elect's more laughable tweets; with the voice of Futurama's Zapp Brannigan - the arrogant, sexist, witless, captain of the spaceship Nimbus - reading out a few select examples to prove what little difference between the two there really is.
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