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Love Island catch up: 3 talking points after Mike ditches Jess for Leanne and Ollie and Paige fall out

The third episode saw one of the twins regretting her decision to couple up with a copper

Ellie Harrison
Tuesday 14 January 2020 23:29 GMT
Love Island: Leanne tells Mike she'll 'follow him wherever he goes'

The latest episode of Love Island saw some couples grow closer than ever while others hit their first real rocky patch.

Sophie and Connor, along with Siannise and Nas, were the only pairings to avoid drama completely in an hour that showed the fall-out from the twins’ arrival in the villa unfold.

Here are the main talking points…

1. Mike faced the toughest decision since Brexit

Mike was flinging around statistics like nobody’s business in tonight’s episode, saying he was 51% into Leanne and 49% into Jess. He held his own romantic referendum and, evidently, it was the closest shave since Brexit. After initially asking Leanne’s permission to share a bed with Jess, he then realised that he was missing his original partner and asked to have her back. She said yes. It was admittedly all quite sweet. Jess, however, found the fact Mike chose Leanne over her purely “shocking”.

2. Ollie and Paige had their first (and probably last) row

Paige got a bit fed up with Ollie in tonight’s episode because, after having previously discovered he had cheated on his ex multiple times, she then found out he lied to her about showing interest in Siannise. At the end of a tense discussion, Ollie said he didn’t think he was quite in the doghouse but that he was probably “bloody close”. Not that it really matters, seeing as he has quit the villa anyway.

3. Shaughna and Eve are in competition

If looks could kill, Eve would be in a sorry state right now after stealing Callum from Shaughna. Despite Callum not having the courtesy to go and talk to Shaughna after his date with Eve, Shaughna is not taking defeat lying down and has pledged to fight for his attention. “May the best woman win,” as she said.

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Love Island's new series debuted to a significant drop in ratings compared to last season. Just over 2.5 million people tuned in for the launch on Sunday 12 January – 800,000 down on the number for last summer's series.

Love Island continues every night on ITV2 at 9pm.


Getting some very mixed messages from Mike right now

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:26

Ollie really does not look like he's having fun at any point. Wonder if they'll cover him quitting the show tonight?

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:29

Also can Nas have more airtime please? Thanks.

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:30

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:32

Eve's virtue-signalling has got to stop

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:39

Ollie is drowning in a lie right now

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:40

Mike leaning 51% towards Leanne and 49% towards Jess in the trickiest choice a Brit has faced since Brexit...

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:46

Thought Mike fell asleep mid-conversation for a second there

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:50

Jess now regretting choosing Mike at all, given the fact he's 51% into Leanne. Ah, the mathematics of love.

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:53

Uh oh, Shaughna and Eve having a "chat"

Ellie.Harrison14 January 2020 21:54

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