Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4 trailer teases all out war: 'Enough with the clever plans'
'All my allies are gone,' Daenerys laments

HBO has dutifully posted the teaser trailer for Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4, 'The Spoils of War', minutes after episode 3 concluded, seeing Daenerys Targaryen in crisis following the sacking of Highgarden.
"All my allies are gone, I'm losing," she tells Jon Snow on the shores of Dragonstone, referencing Euron's attack on the Greyjoys in episode 2 and Jaime's attack on the Tyrells in episode 3.
It seems she will now be more keen to negotiate with Jon - even if he isn't willing to bend the knee - and favour a full-scale instead of controlled strikes.
"Enough with the clever plans," she declares.
Elsewhere in the trailer, Cersei is seen striking a deal with the Iron Bank, the Lannisters having its backing if they deliver the gold pillaged from Highgarden, with the Queen saying: "My only venture at this moment is reestablishing control over this continent and every person on it."
There are also glimpses of Arya Stark finally arriving at Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy making it back to shore, Brienne of Tarth fighting and Podrick being thrown to the ground.
Episode 3, 'The Queen's Justice', was the season's best so far, involving some strong diplomatic scenes as Jon and Daenerys met for the first time.
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