Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9: Rickon Stark actor admits he should have run a zig-zag during death scene

Growing up in the, let’s face it, pretty dreary Winterfell, you spend a lot of time practising sword fighting and archery.
As such, you’d think some sort of arrow evasion techniques would come as part of the standard training, and yet Rickon Stark proceeded to run in a straight line back to Jon ahead of the Battle of the Bastards, making him an easy target for Ramsay.
Run in a zig-zag pattern, guy, it’s bullet/arrow evasion 101.
Several Game of Thrones fans picked up on this oversight on Rickon’s part, leading actor Art Parkinson to tweet about it.
“Had a good run,” he quipped of his time on the show, adding: “#shouldazigzagged”.
The Hollywood Reporter also pressed him on it, asking him: “The Internet wants to know why Rickon didn't zig-zag during the run.”
“Yeah. (Laughs.) That's more of a question for the writers,” Parkinson responded. “I just stick to the script! But in the moment, I really wanted him to make it. I put everything into it.”
This, of course, isn't the first time the Thrones writing team has come in for some stick this season.
Jon Snow might not have been able to save Rickon, but at least Tormund, Sansa and Ser Davos made it out of the bloodbath alive.
Next week is the Game of Thrones season 6 finale, and Team Stark find their troubles aren’t over just yet.
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