Game of Thrones: Hodor name reveal made no sense to viewers watching it dubbed in Spanish

Perdido en la traducción

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 24 May 2016 10:44 BST

Translators on both Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire weren’t to know that the name Hodor was an abbreviation of the phrase ‘hold the door’, which we discovered in Sunday night’s episode, so had been ploughing on with it verbatim.

As such, it made anyone watching episode 5 dubbed in another language this week a little confused.

According to one Redditor, this was the dialogue in the climactic scene, which saw Hodor shouting the phrase repeatedly:

"Sostén la puerta!"

"Sost la uerta!"

"Sos la rta!"



In Turkish, it faired a little better however (at least in subtitle):

"Orada dur! (Stay there)"

"Orda dur!"



Fortunately, most non-English speakers watch with subtitles rather than overdubbing, so the contraction of ‘hold the door’ to Hodor was still easy to understand.

It remains to be seen how the moment will be handled in translations of the books though, which don’t have the luxury of an English language version running parallel.

Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6 Preview

Fans were inconsolable over the death of Hodor on Sunday night. Actor Kristian Nairn has teased that his character might still return, though this could be bad news.

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