Breaking Bad: What to expect if you visit Walter White's house

Warning - don't be the one who knocks

Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 15 January 2016 16:33 GMT

If fans regularly flock to Friends locale Central Perk, tour filming locations featured in Game of Thrones and book holidays to the island from Lost (no, it doesn't move), we're certain there are those among you who've considered a sojourn to the places that appeared in Vince Gilligan's beloved television series Breaking Bad.

So for any superfans currently planning a trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico anytime soon, Journeypod has offered some necessary advice.

Rule one: don't knock - the house isn't only home to some of the decade's most memorable television scenes, but reportedly a woman named Fran - and a male presumed to be her husband - who would rather not have fans constantly requesting they look around her house.

Considering the residents had to put up with overexcited members of the public throwing pizza onto their roof in homage to the scene from the series that saw Bryan Cranston's Walter White angrily do the same, it's not difficult to understand why (creator Gilligan himself had to step in and instruct people to stop).

Apparently, though, the lady's husband "is more 'open' to curious onlookers, going so far as to kindly converse with fans about "...all the stories you can imagine from the shooting."

The good news is that just up the road, you can stop in at Twisters - an eaterie that resembles chicken restaurant Los Pollos Hermanos; perhaps you should just get your photo and stop in there instead.

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