Black Mirror season 4 episode 'USS Callister' may get its own TV spinoff

Director Tony Haynes deemed it 'probably one of the best pilots for a space show ever'

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 02 January 2018 10:37 GMT
Black Mirror: U.S.S. Callister - trailer

Black Mirror season 4 arrived on Netflix at the tail-end of 2017 with six new episodes tackling the themes of dystopian dating apps and overprotective parenting,

One episode, however, seems like it's been earmarked for future exploration - the feature-length Star Trek-inspired outing 'USS Callister' starring Jesse Plemons, Cristin Milotti and Michaela Coel.

The episode, Black Mirror's first adventure set - for the most part - in outer space, follows Plemons Robert Daly, a fearless captain aboard the titular spaceship adored by his crew. In a matter of scenes, it's later revealed that this world is Daly's twisted creation, a virtual reality in which his crew members are, in fact, imprisoned simulations of his colleagues who mistreat him back in the real world.

'USS Callister,' co-written by Charlie Brooker and William Bridges, was directed by Toby Haynes who revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that a return to this world in some form or another seems quite likely.

“[It] is probably one of the best pilots for a space show ever,” the director, who cut his teeth on sci-fi series Doctor Who, stated.

“I was talking with Louise Sutton, who produced this and ”Metalhead,“ and she cooked up a brilliant idea of spinning it off into a TV series. I’m keen to see it as a TV series. I think Charlie might revisit it as a Black Mirror. Whether I’m the one to do it, I don’t know.”

You can find our reviews and ranking of each season 4 episode here.

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