Big Brother 2013: Daley Ojuederie evicted from house after 'threatening and aggressive' behaviour towards Hazel O'Sullivan
Big Brother contestant Daley Ojuederie has been removed from the Big Brother house over aggressive behaviour towards fellow housemate Hazel O'Sullivan.
Daley Ojuederie has been told by Channel 5 bosses to leave the show following a play fight with the Irish model in the compound’s ‘safe house’ on Sunday night, which saw Daley smack Hazel on her bottom, grab her by the neck and pin her on the bed.
A statement by Channel 5 said: “Due to threatening and aggressive behaviour towards Hazel O’Sullivan we have taken the decision to remove Daley Ojuederie from the Big Brother House.”
Daley, who describes himself as a ‘boxer, musician and comic’, hit out at O’Sullivan after the two had been voted to be placed in the ‘safe house’ following their on-going flirtatious relationship.
Daley hit the model as she lay on the bed and refused to give him back his duvet. During the incident, he said to Hazel: “Do you want me to go f***ing mad now? Do you remember when I said, yeah, when I go mad it’s f***ing scary…doesn’t mean I’m gonna hit you but it’s scary s**t.”
After Hazel told him to “go for it”, he said: “Have some respect for your f***ing elders, yeah do you understand me…cos if you don’t…I’ll finish you.”
The pair have drawn criticism during for their flirtatious relationship during their stay in the Big Brother house as Daley has a girlfriend in the ‘outside world’.
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