Better Call Saul: It looks like Huell might be back too

Actor who played Saul's personal bodyguard said he's had the call

Christopher Hooton
Friday 11 July 2014 14:42 BST
Huell gave up the location of Walt's money in Breaking Bad
Huell gave up the location of Walt's money in Breaking Bad (AMC)

Breaking Bad actor Lavell Crawford has hinted that Huell Babineaux might be making an appearance in the prequel Better Call Saul, saying he's had "some interesting calls" about the AMC show.

Crawford was quizzed by a paparazzo in LA this week, who told the actor he'd heard he will be back in the spin-off.

The questioning was pretty leading (as you can see in the video below), but Crawford did confirm that he's been in talks over BCS.

Well I got some interesting calls, so..." he said, later adding: "Yeah, so you know there ain't no word yet but I'm on their map."

Given Peter Gould's recent admission that the show will take place before, during and after Breaking Bad using flash backs and flash forwards, Saul's bodyguard could quite easily fit into the show, possibly alongside his partner in crime Patrick Kuby (Bill Burr).

While Huell's screen time was fairly minimal in Breaking Bad he played a significant role in its plot, switching Jesse's cigarettes in the fake ricin plot and later selling Walt out to Hank.

Crawford would join Jonathan Banks (Mike Ehrmantraut) on the list of Breaking Bad alumni returning, while speculation over whether Bryan Cranston will be back as Walter White (in some capacity) has been rife recently.

Better Call Saul has no release date as yet, but is expected on AMC and Netflix in the first quarter of 2015.

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