Travel: Global Agenda

Sharon Gethings
Saturday 06 February 1999 00:02 GMT

New York

Christie's first skiing poster sale last February proved so successful - with most of the early 20th-century posters attaining prices far higher than their estimates - that the second sale (25 February) is making the headlines. Whether this reflects a rampant nostalgia for stylish holiday resorts or a growing appreciation of classic graphic design (see picture) is anyone's guess, but many buyers may well be paying a visit to Cooper- Hewitt's "Graphic Design in the Mechanical Age", a selection of more than 200 posters, paintings, drawings, collages and ephemera from the 1920s and 1930s. Works by Jan Tschichold, Alexander Rodchenko and the Stenberg brothers, among others, will be on view, and preliminary designs will be on show alongside finished pieces.

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, 2 East 91st Street, , , USA (00 1 212 849 8400) 9 February-23 May, $3-$5

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Anyone seeking a little winter sunshine in the Canaries this month will have the added diversion of the "Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival", which attracts hundreds of troupes of musicians and dancers to entertain locals and tourists alike. Following the election of the Carnival Queen on 10 February, there will be parades, dancing, live bands - and, on 17 February, something called "the burial of the sardine"...

Various locations, Santa de Cruz de Tenerife, Spain (00 34 922 24 0500), to 21 February, free

San Francisco

The 85 paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures brought together in the exhibition "Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism and Self-Representation" are the work of women associated with or influenced by the surrealist movement. The pieces, dating from 1928 to 1996, are by such artists as Louise Bourgeois, Frida Kahlo, Cindy Sherman and Meret Oppenheim, and reflect their authors' rejection of the passive role of object of the (male) gaze which has been propagated traditionally throughout art history. The self-representation here is a celebration of the reappropriation and recreation of the depiction of the feminine self. Its spirit resonates through contemporary art today.

Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, San Francisco, California, USA (00 1 415 357 4000) to 20 April, $4-$8


Since its foundation in 1978 as part of a commemoration of the Stonewall Riots in , the "Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras" has grown to become one of the largest gay and lesbian arts festivals in the world, with over 80 community, cultural and political events to keep fun at a premium. To qualify for a ticket to the extravagant last-night party, you need to become an international member of the Mardi Gras, but anyone can hit the streets on Saturday 27 February to enjoy the outrageous costumes of the night-time Parade.

Various locations, Sydney, Australia (00 61 2 9557 4332 or for membership and ticket details) to 27 February. Party tickets cost AU$70

Sharon Gethings

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