Opera podcast: Opera Holland Park's new season

Wednesday 31 March 2010 12:27 BST
(Opera Holland Park)

The auditorium has risen once more, the box office is open and busy, and the peacocks are warming up – Opera Holland Park is gearing up for the new season.

In this live and uncut podcast Edward Seckerson talks to James Clutton and Michael Volpe about opera rarities, exciting young talent, exciting older talent, the prospect of Wagner (could there be a Dutchman in the offing?), the X-factor, and much, much more. In keeping with the name of OHP’s community project 'Inspire' the mix of operas reaching into 2012 and beyond is as eclectic as ever with old favourites rubbing shoulders with some of opera’s best kept secrets. This season aficionados will be jumping up and down at the enticing prospect of Zandonai’s Francesca da Rimini with Cheryl Barker and Julian Gavin. All this and the Volpe Diaries, too...

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