On The Agenda: Why Kate Moss for Topshop is so last year, and three days of tequila-soaked madness
If you're looking for an alternative to the usual slipperless dames and boys who never grow up, check out Miracle Theatre's touring production of The Revenge of Rumplestiltskin. Designed as a show within a show, the production follows a bickering mid-19th century Georgian pantomime troupe struggling to bring their latest performance to the public. Touring to 12 February, tel: 01373 465 949, miracletheatre.co.uk Adam Jacques
If you've blown your Christmas party-dress budget on gifts for friends and family, why not take advantage of other people's friends? Topshop has made use of its vast circle of pals to offer shoppers the chance to hire donated dresses and other fabulous party kit throughout December from its Oxford Circus flagship. With items donated by celebrities from Kate Moss and Freida Pinto to Scarlett Johansson (dress, right), there's plenty on offer and, once you've browsed and made your choices, you can bid for them in an auction raising money for Age Concern and Help the Aged. Who said Christmas spirit was dead? topshop.com Harriet Walker
Food & Drink
Pop-up restaurants are... well, popping up everywhere these days, so how to stand out? Pablo Flack and David Waddington, the duo behind the lauded east London cabaret/ restaurant Bistrotheque, have come up with a head-spinning idea for the Patron Silver Reindeer. For three days from Friday, they're converting a large studio space in north London into a winter wonderland serving dishes such as ceviche and skewered quail with one universally added ingredient: Patró*tequila (above right), lightly sprinkled, glazed and infused across the menu. Intoxicating stuff. £67.50 per head, tel: 020 8983 7900 AJ
Where better to hold an exhibition on street art than on the very walls that gave birth to Britain's graffiti culture in the 1980s, under the Westway at Ladbroke Grove in west London. More than 50 pioneers of the art have been gathered by the Mutoid Waste Company to create free-hand painting, stencils and paste-ups up to 30ft high for the event, which also includes giant installations made from reclaimed refuse. (Below left, a caravan daubed over by Sickboy.) To 20 December, mutatebritain.wordpress.com AJ
More bad news for e-book readers, which are already beginning to look obsolete amid rumours that an Apple Tablet is imminent. According to The New York Times, American and British readers are copying a trend that emerged in Japan and simply reading books on their phones. One in five downloads for the iPhone last month in the US was a book, says its report, while you can even download a Kindle app, so you can download e-books meant for the Kindle e-reader without shelling out for the device itself. But hang on to your £200 white elephant – in a few years it could turn out to be very valuable... as an antique. Katy Guest
Renowned French style emporium (and passionate fan of all things Japanese) Collette has filled a temporary space in east London with products from some of Japan's leading designers in an unlikely collaboration with Nissan, to celebrate the launch of the car manufacturer's latest auto, the Cube. So you can top up your Christmas list with pieces including geometrically titled glassware from Teruhiro Yanagihara, light installations from the architect Jo Nagasaka and wonderfully simple utensils from Mikiya Kobayashi. cubelist.co.uk AJ
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