Cayte Williams
Sunday 03 November 1996 00:02 GMT

The people of Lewes, East Sussex, are a riotous lot. On 5 November Guy Fawkes is joined on the town's bonfire by the Pope and a current "public enemy". The "guest's" identity is kept top secret, so to find out this year's hate figure you will have to go along on Tuesday. Festivities start in the High Street at 8.30pm and takes you to the bonfire. To whet your appetite, here are some bad guys from years past:

1938: Hitler & Mussolini

The demonic duo were pictured shaking hands and subsequently exploded.

1956: President Nasser

Sussex satire was bought to the Suez Crisis. Nasser took off as fireworks shot from every orifice.

1974: Richard Nixon

The infamous President Nixon self-destructed in a blaze of gunpowder.

1976: "Mustafa Home"

Inflammatory views took a new turn in 1976. Anti-Arab feelings ran high with a large Saudi Arabian gentleman embracing a model of Big Ben. The protest was that the Saudis were buying up huge chunks of Britain.

1980: Margaret Thatcher

In 1980 the arms of a 20ft Iron Lady spun around violently smashing through boxes marked "housing", "education" and "health".

1984: Arthur Scargill and Ian MacGregor With the miners strike at its height, the NUM leader and the chairman of British Coal were parodied sitting on top of a JCB while the digger's jaws closed around miners' necks.

1993: John Major

Mr Dull became Mr Exceedingly Bright and Noisy. Called "Knightmare", the tableau featured the PM mounted on a dragon called "Maastricht" which has subsequently burnt his fingers once or twice.

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