The Knack: How to look 10lb lighter
You need a big belt, a bright waistcoat and a G-string to look slimline, says Liz Earle
Dress in one dark colour from top to toe. If you are a pear-shaped woman, make sure your bottom half is a slightly darker shade than the top. Slim-fitting trousers with a side or back-zip give a flatter line across your stomach; wear them with heels. If you've good ankles, choose cropped trousers. Make sure your skirt doesn't stop at the fattest part of the leg. Avoid patterns, and vertical stripes - you'll end up looking like a deckchair. Avoid leggings like the plague. Make sure your bra fits - too-tight straps give you spare flesh. Wear a G-string: VPL will give even Kate Moss a fat bottom. Ensure your belt matches your outfit, otherwise it will cut you in half and make you look shorter. Socks and tights should match dark shoes. Semi-opaque tights are flattering, and those with a control top and Lycra keep skin from wobbling. Lastly, do what Cindy Crawford does - suck your stomach in.
Paunchy men should avoid double-breasted suits in pale colours - dark, single-breasted suits are more forgiving. Don't have your beer belly protruding over the top of your belt - buy a bigger belt. A bright waistcoat, tie or hanky in your top pocket distracts from a paunch or big backside
`Liz Earle's New Bikini Diet' is published by Boxtree, pounds 4.99
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